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Scholarship Auditions brings multiple resources and opportunities to middle school, high school, and collegiate performing arts students, along with the institutions and associations that support these students.
Scholarship Auditions: Visionary Pioneers
Our online platform empowers scholastic performing arts students, guiding them through the intricate journey of application, audition, and scholarship attainment while seamlessly connecting them with collegiate music recruiters.
by Students and Parents

by Scholastic Music Educators
by Collegiate School of Music Recruiters

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Middle & High School Performing Arts Students

Middle & High School Performing Arts Students' Parents

Middle & High School Music Educators

College, University, Conservatory Performing Arts Educators
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Joseph O’Connell
Harvard University

Serene Lewis
Fisk University

Haley Garrick
Brooklyn College

Zachary Carr
Middle Tennessee
State University

Sarah Abu-Shanab
Rutgers University

Abbey Jackson
DePaul University

David Nichols
University of Texas
at Austin

Jonathon Fuller
University of Georgia

Research Influencers
ScholarshipAuditions.com is a leading hub for music education research. Our dedicated team reviews the latest music education theses and dissertations, administers surveys, and creates informative publications and videos. We strive to be the foremost resource for performing arts students and the educators who champion their academic pursuits in direct relationship to the collegiate application, audition, and scholarship acquisition process.